Saturday, April 28, 2012
Madison is 14!!!!!
This is a picture of Madison and her Pioneer Woman Coffee Cream Cake we made for her B-day today and Lil Manny can't wait to give it a go.
Happy Birthday Honey, I love you sooooo much!!!! You are such a blessing.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Basket Blessing
Homemade Cheesestix
Maple Syrup, yummy
All you do is reheat your syrup to about 180 degrees and then ladle it into hot, clean jars and put the sealing lids on that you had bathing in boiling water and the jars should seal themselves from all the heat. I used smaller jars because once the syrup is open you must keep it in the fridge since they are no preservatives so I like to just warm up a little at a time as needed.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Paska - Easter- Cheese
Paska Cheese-
6 eggs
2 cups milk
Pinch of salt
Whisk all together well and cook over med heat, stirring constantly till it resembles scrambled eggs in water.
Pour out mixture into a cheese cloth laying in another pot.
Pull ends together and twist to for a ball and squeeze with tongs because it is very hot.
Clip to hold it tight and hang for a few hours to drip.
Then take it down, wrap it up and refrigerate till your ready to go to Divine Liturgy and put it in your basket to get blessed along with your other Paska food.
The Easter Cheese is the dairy product in the basket that reminds us of the "prosperity and peace" of the Messianic times which had been foretold by the Prophets often referenced by "the land of milk and honey," referring to the spiritual wealth of Gods kingdom. (from- Celebrate Easter Slovak Style by Lawrence G. Kozlowski)
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Guess How Much I Love You...
These are for my husband's birthday. I love, love, love to cook and bake but I can't stand making Buckeyes for some reason and he loves them. They are good, I like them too, we all do- although Mason likes his without the chocolate- I just can't stand making them ;(.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Pioneer Woman Pot Roast
I just love my big, oval Le Creuset pot It holds so much and works perfectly on the long griddle style burner in my new oven. Thanks again Marshalls for the great deal on clearance.