Well, its nearly 3:00 a.m. and I was just woken up by yet another stupid dream. I cant stand dreaming but my dreams are so much more frequent and vivid when I'm pregnant and I wake up several times a night angry, scared, tired and frustrated. Often my head hurts also, so I end up with a stress headache.
Leg cramps are another thing I wont miss. I never get them except when I'm pregnant. I had such a bad one 2 nights ago my calf is still sore. I try and remember not to stretch but I sometimes forget and they hurt so bad you just want to scream.
Next would be those stabbing pains in you sides that make you not be able to move. Its always worse for me at night when I go to roll over and out of no where the pain is so bad your afraid to move. Its always worse in the middle of my pregnancy when I'm growing quickly.
Okay,1 more thing and then I'll stop complaining...acid reflux and heartburn. Just awful. If there were one thing I could do with out it would be this one. Luckily it will-hopefully- go away as soon as the baby is born and I have more room in there. Atleast thats what happened with #4. I cant and couldn't eat anything tomato based with out regretting it, even the smallest amount of ketsup, but the day after he was born a good friend brought me pizza to the hospital to eat and I was fine. I cant wait to have sauce again.
Now somethings I'll miss...
Of course #1 is feeling the baby move. Even though it can be sometimes annoying to have those little toes digging into your ribs I have to admit that I treasure every movement now since having 2 miscarriage's. And with this baby my placenta as mostly in front so I didn't feel him move nearly as much or as early as my other babies.
I am also going to really miss by big round tummy. It has stayed so nice and smooth without stretch marks- those are other places- I just love rubbing it!
I'm also going to miss the feeling of never being alone.
Well, now its nearly 3:30 so I better try to fall back asleep, for a few hours anyway till another stupid dream wakes me and I have to then get up to pee and have a snack. Pretty soon the reason I wake in the middle of the night will be to nurse a sweet baby back to sleep. It seems like that time will never come but it will probably be within a week. I go to the midwives in a few hours so we'll see.
Sweet dreams.