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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Manny's baptism went great. He was so good and so were all the other children who were there at Mass. His Godmother has 7 and his Godfather has 3 and with our 5 plus a few more I was worried but all went well. He is wearing my gown from my baptism that all the children have worn, he looked beautiful!
I know alot of friends and family think we're crazy for having 5 children and welcoming what God gives us but I couldn't imagine life with out any of them- yes, even when they drive me crazy- and I miss the 2 that are in Heaven and know that someday we will all be together. Its a struggle for us to live this way- to trust that He knows whats best, well, let me put that another way, we know He knows whats best and that He will only give us what we can handle, what the struggle is is keeping the faith and not worrying about what others think and trying to remember that is usually only because they worry about us financially. Okay, I'll quite babbling now.

Manny trying to keep quiet during Mass. Everytime he's start fussing I would give him his ribbon to chew on and he loved it.

Out in my neighbors yard.

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