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Friday, March 2, 2012

Gluten Free Update

I'm doing really good, actually trying to do a lot of Paleo recipes but I can't and won't give up dairy. I'm really craving something bread like to put butter on so i plan on making this really good paleo banana bread recipe I saw that I will link to tomorrow when I'm on the computer rather than the iPhone.
I haven't had any fresh brewed sweet iced tea for the past few days and that's been hard. I'm trying just to drink water and coffee or tea only once a day other than maybe a glass of raw milk. I normally drink way too much sugar and I'm trying to stop that.

1 comment:

Melissa Naasko said...

I followed you over from a comment on my own blog. What a beautiful family! We know some Russian Byzantine Catholics and have gone to liturgy with them before. We went for Exaltation of the Holy Cross and I was two weeks out from my due date. All the bowing was pretty hard!

Anyway, I can see that you are trying to be gluten free so I will let you know how my GF biscuit recipe turns out. Good luck!