Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Sunday, November 8, 2009

He's Here!!!

Actually he's been here since 1:43 am last Wednesday morning- 10-28-09 - I just have been too busy to post. Everything happened very fast. Last Tuesday, after being told the day before I was pretty much getting no where fast, I decided to take my other children to the movies for the afternoon. I maybe had one or two condtractions while we were gone. Then later on that eventing at home I did start to get stronger ones but they were still far apart. At about 9:00 pm I told my hubby I was going to call the midwives just to see if they were at the hospital with anyone else just incase I would need to come in but they weren't and since I had no physical- visual- signs- my water never breaks but I do get the show- and the contractions were still so far apart I was just probably just being hopeful and I'd probably see her in a few days.
So we got the other children to bed at 10:00 pm and they were gaining strenght but staying about 9-13 mins apart and even skipping to 20. So I lay there for an hour trying to fall asleep but getting really annoyed by the strenght of them so I thought I would go down stairs to watch alittle tv and get something to eat and all it took was walking down the steps and I called my mom, called the midwife and walked right back upstair to wake up my hubby because they were now 4-5 mins apart and soooooo strong.
Luckly, my mom just lives a few streets away and was here in no time and my hubby had already laid his clothes out just incase. We were at the car with in 10 mins and I couldn't get in till a strong contraction passed. Now we have an hour drive in the dark, rainy night on the Turnpike that is full of construction- no fun. I didn't think we were going to make it there because they were so strong and close together. I had such a hard time just sitting there. With every contraction I just prayed for the Virgin Mary's help to get me through and I know this may sound silly but I just pictured my new little one home in all the cute, soft little cloth diapers I've been collecting over the past month. That really helped!
When we finally made it there at 12:30 am I told the guard in the ER I need to go up now. They wanted to do paperwork but I said this is my 5th and I know what I'm talking about! Up stairs they took me right to a room and let me go pee- there was finally a little blood but just some spotting. The midwife checked me right away and said I was between 8 and 9 and needed to start the antibiotic right way because it took an hour to get in and we weren't sure if I could hold off that long. After a long hour in bed with an IV and fighting any urge to push they said it was in and she was going to check me again. I was ready- which I knew- and she broke my water to make sure it was clear. Now I was finally allowed to push. Two pushes and his head was out but I was told to stop. What! How can I stop, he's half way out. But I had too because the cord was tight around his neck and she couldn't slip it over so she had to cut it which was also hard because it was so tight she was afraid to cut his neck but with in a few mins. it was done and I was allowed to finish pushing him out. One more push and our sweet little boy was here safe and healthy. 20 1/2 inches, 8lbs 9 oz, our heaviest baby yet. Also our longest to stay in.
He's nursing great, growing everyday. And is very sweet. He went to see our chiropractor on Friday and is all straighted out. He did very well and barely cried. He is a pleasure and a blessing and I am reminding myself ever night when he has me up with nursing and a dirty diaper to just enjoy it because I'm getting older- 36- and he may be my last little blessing. That makes me sad to think about but what ever is God's will will be. I'm just so happy he's here and safe and beautiful.
Here he is in the little hat my 9 year old daughter made him.

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