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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lots of Laundry

This is what happens in a family of 7 when mom takes her birthday weekend off, 4 huge piles of laundry. Now keep in mind this doesn't include my hubbies or the load of Manny's cloth diapers. My man generally washes his own clothes because he has some sort of special method that I just don't quite understand but I am very thankful that he's happy to do it himself. I can do anything of his that goes in the dryer only.
One of my favorite things about summer is the lighter laundry load. I'm not crazy about the heat but I do love that it almost cuts the laundry load in half! It's not even the washing, drying and folding thats hard for me, its getting it all separated and put away. I'm hoping when we move to a bigger home to come up with a better method. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a giant laundry room that had shelves for everyones clothes along with a shower so that you could just have it all in the same area? Life would be so much easier if you could just shower, dress and wash your clothes all in one big ol room.

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